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Makeup and beauty revolution

We asked the girls, what would happen if the make-up was forbidden? They replied: This is a revolution, and the country will remain a man. Girls who are confident of themselves say that; there will be no difference..

I wrote Ines Adam
Friday, October 18, 2019

We asked the girls: What if a law was passed to prevent girls from using makeup? Will there be less harassment in the streets? The girls are all going to resemble some? Many answers revealed the role of make-up in our social life.

And in America and everywhere, certainly a study issued by the University of Washington. Take care of her natural beauty

And quietly replied "Haidy Alaa": "Yala Hanover and God .. Cut their goodness in a huge amount of special expenses

And loudly replied, "Nourhan Samir": "There will be a revolution .. Sure, I mean, they prevent makeup .. de personal freedom of every girl who shows her femininity from her own views."

Hiba Mohammed rejected the decision, saying: "Make-up is our way of life ..) You can not attend a wedding or special occasion without putting makeup, I will certainly be ridiculed and criticized, but after the decision I will think of a solution."

"It is difficult to masks people without makeup, because I am used to my appearance this reason and without I will be that life has turned black and white," said Najla Zaki.

"Doaa Saad" said, "I make-up and Don Mix" without touches of color.

Confidently, "Meme Adam": "Sure, I and my brothers will resemble each other from N and so and my aunt and family will become almost like"

"Mona Mohammed": "Dear and do not care in any case I am a moon", makeup is only for the smoothness of beauty, and always the best touches of natural colors, but if banned from the use of makeup I will be (moon), but lose my confidence in the same, always natural Earns. "

"My fiancé loves me more with make-up," she said. "That's how Huda Sultan reacted." Cosmetics on her face, so he asked me to put my nail polish continuously. "

So .."Beauty and folly are old friends," the American scientist and politician Benjamin Franklin does not seem to have made a mistake by combining beauty and foolishness.

Many girls in different Arab countries and the world have dreamed from the earliest age of winning the privacy of getting a box of accessories that boasts of carrying it in her handbag as a fictitious symbol of her adulthood, and often does not even realize the correct rules for putting makeup properly, and does not distinguish the good ones from Harmful, especially with the spread of a lot of scattered points of sale between luxury stores and randomly erected vehicles and social platforms.

In particular, the summer season witnesses a greater demand for cosmetics, where Arab women are more keen than Western women to put exaggerated decorations to attend weddings, events, holidays, parties and even markets and shops.

Some girls believe that powders are the key to getting a husband by attending any social event, and some have even said that she takes her dress before going anywhere. From this point of view among many young people chanting "women fall in love by what they hear, men fall in love by what they see; therefore women put cosmetics and men lie."

There are varied accounts of the types and types of toiletries used by women from ancient times to the present, and even some modern products are being used for luxury and organizing special tourism trips, but in return appeared a parallel trade promoting fake products that take into account the budget of some minors looking to highlight their beauty.
Many young women confirmed that their skin flaws such as acne and some scars made them look for practical solutions that hide what they consider to be ugly through the use of cosmetics, in addition to the proliferation of cosmetic procedures among the stars and the consideration of some young men as the ideal model for association led Arab women to emulate these celebrities.

Some brands focused on these psychological aspects of women, attracting a number of celebrities to promote their products, which increased the demand for girls to buy cosmetics.


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