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Islamic Architecture

Islamic ArchitectureAdvantages of Byzantine architecture The most important Islamic conquests in Europe

Translation: Ines Adam
 1 Islamic civilization.
 2 Islamic architecture.
 3 Urban art in the Abbasid era.
4 Urban art in Andalusia.
 5 Urban art in the Ottoman Empire.

Islamic civilization The Islamic state had a long history and interest in all aspects of life, and the various forms of civilization had a great presence in Islamic history, including: Urban art, medicine, astronomy, engineering, chemistry, physics, literature, poetry, prose, calligraphy, and philosophy.Islamic religion was not only interested in religious aspects, but Islamic civilization was a mixture of mind and spirit, and distinguished from its predecessors of civilizations. Islam is a universal religion that promotes the demand for knowledge and regards it as an obligation for every Muslim and Muslim woman.It was one of the exploits of Islamic civilization that it was directed towards religion, science and philosophy, respect for man and equality between people, the dignity of the individual, and following the mind and glorifying it. Belief in progress, Islamic architecture will be mentioned in this article.[1]

 Islamic architecture started the religion of Islam, the true revelation of the Prophet - peace be upon him -, and the state of Islam has not yet been established in Mecca, and Islam began the process of a qualitative shift, after Muslims migrated from Mecca to Medina, there began The entity of Islam was established, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) started building the Quba Mosque, the first mosque in Islam, upon his arrival in Medina. This was the first building that established the concept of the state in the minds of the Sahaabah. There wasn't much to highlight Islamic architecture, no In the Umayyad period, the Umayyad were able to march on the path of power and power, and to preserve their heritage from loss, in terms of preserving the Islamic spirit, as well as the breadth of the Islamic State, as well as the movement.[2]

 Perhaps the most important is what the Arabs in the Umayyad era demonstrated in showing Islamic architecture as one of the great civilized peoples. They respected the heritage of the past, took care of architecture, surrounded the art and industry of the open country, and perhaps chosen Damascus as a center. To the mother's succession The Hellenistic and Byzantine art schools were influenced by some Sassanid art styles, because of the nature of the neighborhood between the Islamic State and those countries with a long history, so it is natural that Muslims are influenced by methods of construction and art This was when they began to establish for themselves religious, civil, and military installations as great as those of the Byzantines, so the era of the Umayyad dynasty was a time of extraordinary Islamic architecture. [2]

Urban art in the Abbasid era The Abbasid era made a big difference in the history of Islamic architecture. Several timeless mosques have emerged to date, and the Bimarestans have evolved considerably. This shows the interest of Bani Abbas in medical sciences, their encouragement to doctors and their construction of the medical schools of the Bimiristan, and called for the holding of medical conferences attended by doctors from All the countries and territories belonging to the Abbasid state, and these Albemarstanat began to take the form of a super-civilized civilization, organized by the medical profession, and became a prestigious profession is not tampered with fraudsters and magicians and half-doctors. [3]

As for the development of Islamic architecture in the Abbasid era, the following is mentioned the most important mm Zach: [4] attention to construction and the establishment of new cities. Attention to the architecture of mosques, palaces, schools and others. Influenced by Sassanid architecture. The importance of the iwan is evident. The use of bricks and bricks of all kinds in Abbasid buildings and their decoration. The phenomenon of horizontal extension of the Abbasid cities and their buildings. Adopting pointed arches and paying attention to the architecture of various beautiful domes. The emergence of the minaret isolated from the block of the mosque building in Samarra and Kata'e. He sang the buildings of the Abbasid architecture with frescoes and frescoes. Aesthetic Abbasid buildings of one floor in general. The arrival of the influence of the Abbasid architecture to the countries of North Africa by Ahmad ibn Tulun and the Aghlabids. Urban art in Andalusia Muslims barely completed the liberation of Andalusia until they began to apply their human message to civilization. In less than a century, they were able to live the lands of Spain, reconstruct the ruins of cities and establish the most luxurious buildings, consolidate close trade links with other countries, and began to study science and literature and translate the books of Greece. And the establishment of universities, which remained alone as a refuge for culture in Europe for a long time, and the Arab civilization has risen in Andalusia since Abdul Rahman I ascended the throne, that is, since its political separation from the East by declaring the Emirate of Cordoba in 138 AH / 756 AD became Andalusia the finest countries in the world For three centuries, since the founding of the Umayyad state in Andalusia by Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil, he was interested in organizing Córdoba to suit the greatness of the state, renewing its meaning, tightening its buildings and fortifying it with the wall, building the emirate's palace, and the mosque and expanding its courtyard.[5]

Islamic in the Levant, whether in architectural ornaments or in some elements of its construction, and in the system of contracts, also built Rusafa Palace and transferred to his city oddity of Persians and generosity of fruit, spread to all parts of Andalusia! The mosque of Cordoba was very great in its construction and engineering, and became the greatest Arab university in Europe in the Middle Ages.

In the Ottoman Empire, the Ottomans had inherited the Seljuk Empire at the end of the thirteenth century. They inherited the Byzantine Empire in the middle of the fifteenth century AD, and benefited from the Persian and Byzantine artistic experiences, interested in architecture, and sponsored the applied arts such as ceramics, glass, wood, metal and textile crafts, in addition to calligraphy, miniatures, binding, etc. It reached the local and international markets, and used the decorative wall tiles in its square or rectangular form.The large ceramic plates consisted of four or more tiles.The surfaces represent beautiful roses and flowers, and they look in attractive colors such as blue, coral green, eggplant and purple red, on a beautiful white floor, sometimes These colors were covered with translucent glaze. [6] This was done by the most skilled technicians from Persia, who were brought by Sultan Selim I, after opening it to Tabriz, and some buildings still bear witness to Islamic architecture in the Ottoman Empire. Among the palaces overlooking the Bosphorus are: Bekler Bey Palace, Tolme Baghja, Gargan Saray, Yildiz Palace, etc. In Syria there are a large number of architectural buildings belonging to the Ottoman Empire, including: Tekke Sulaymaniyah, Darwish Pasha Mosque, Sinaniye Mosque, and Murad Mosque. Pasha, known as the Naqshbandi Mosque in the Swika neighborhood of Damascus, and in Syria a number of magnificent Ottoman palaces, the most important of which are: Azem Palace in Damascus and Azem Palace in Hama.There are Ottoman Khanate buildings, the most important of which are Khan Asaad Pasha Al-Azem in Damascus and Khan Murad Pasha in Maaret al-Numan. [6]


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